
Blog 5

  An Expert/Person in your field that you admire The person in the photo is my aunt, she is a pharmaceutical chemist, I chose her because first of all I admire that a person can pass the degree, (since for me it is being almost impossible). I find it admirable that someone achieves something like this and I have even more respect for her because she has her own chain of pharmacies in Santa Cruz, Bolivia.  I feel that you have to work really hard to open a business, even more so if it's about having a chain of these and being the boss. With so many people it must be exhausting too, that's why I like the way he is, he's a super good and kind person, it shows that he puts a lot of effort into his work and not for that reason leaves aside other things like family, also I really like that it is not believed or heavy as many health professionals unfortunately are.

Blog 4

  A Picture I Like I like this picture because I remember the first time I saw snow, it had snowed before in Santiago but this time it was night and I was sleeping. I remember that day my mom woke me up saying that it was snowing, I woke up very excited, and then I went to see the snow through my window, then we left the house and went to the park with my brother and my mom, that's when I took the photo, in which you can see the snow all over the grass and covering the roofs of the houses, this happened on July 15, 2017 according to my phone. I remember that while we were walking through the park, our footprints were marked in the snow, it looked very cute and tender according to me, then with my brother we lay in the snow and made some snow angels. And finally, before going home we collected a lot of snow and made a snowman.

Blog 3

My Favorite Piece of Technology Well, to be honest, I don't really like technology, however I don't hate it, because thanks to it we can communicate faster with distant relatives, for example, or advances in medical technology seem super necessary and helpful to me. But on the other hand, there is the famous cell phone, which I do not like very much since most of them use it excessively and do not realize what is happening around them, with much less face-to-face communication between people.   Now my favorite piece of technology is a computer because thanks to it I can do all things related to the University, I just started using it during the pandemic and it has been extremely useful. I normally use it to: do homework, (for example the post), see the ppt, watch movies, listen to music, watch youtube, etc. Thanks to my computer it makes it easier for me to do some things like writing or watching things, since a keyboard and a screen are more comfortable for me larger than the

Blog 2

Why did I choose my major? Well, when I was a child I wanted to be a teacher when I grew up, maybe because my mom studied pedagogy or because I like to know that in some way I help people to learn something they don't know and maybe it was because I love children, no I remember well, but as I grew up my tastes changed and among the options I had were: Psychology, Biology, Geology, Sociology, Journalist, etc. I practically liked it and (I still like) a bit of everything, that's why I took a "sabbatical" year to think about it better, but even so I didn't know what to study. My family always told me that I would be perfect for medicine but the score did not reach me Then he told me to study chemistry and pharmacy, since I didn't know what to study, and that this career has a good salary and has a lot of work fields, so I got in and here I am trying to survive something that was never an "option" for me, however, I try to do my best.

Blog 1

  Who I am? Hello my name is Krishna,I am in my "second" year studying chemistry and pharmacy.Honestly i am dislike English because for my is very difficult,but the English songs are very good .I was born in Santiago,Chile.My mother was born in the south and my father in Bolivia,so we travel a lot.I have a little brother,who I love a lot. At school I was in different areas for example:ballet,rhythmic gymnastics,entertaining dancing,etc.   I like very much to go with my family a river in the south,where we camp some days and sometimes we make a bonfire in which I like to put marshmallow and eating with chocolate and cookies. On the other hand,I detest people who pollute on purpose,and I can`t stand double-faced and lying people.